Source code for typedjsonrpc.parameter_checker

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
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"""Logic for checking parameter declarations and parameter types."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import inspect

import six

from .errors import InvalidParamsError, InvalidReturnTypeError

[docs]def validate_params_match(method, parameters): """Validates that the given parameters are exactly the method's declared parameters. :param method: The method to be called :type method: function :param parameters: The parameters to use in the call :type parameters: dict[str, object] | list[object] """ argspec = inspect.getargspec(method) # pylint: disable=deprecated-method default_length = len(argspec.defaults) if argspec.defaults is not None else 0 if isinstance(parameters, list): if len(parameters) > len(argspec.args) and argspec.varargs is None: raise InvalidParamsError("Too many parameters") remaining_parameters = len(argspec.args) - len(parameters) if remaining_parameters > default_length: raise InvalidParamsError("Not enough parameters") elif isinstance(parameters, dict): missing_parameters = [key for key in argspec.args if key not in parameters] default_parameters = set(argspec.args[len(argspec.args) - default_length:]) for key in missing_parameters: if key not in default_parameters: raise InvalidParamsError("Parameter {} has not been satisfied".format(key)) extra_params = [key for key in parameters if key not in argspec.args] if len(extra_params) > 0 and argspec.keywords is None: raise InvalidParamsError("Too many parameters")
[docs]def check_types(parameters, parameter_types, strict_floats): """Checks that the given parameters have the correct types. :param parameters: List of (name, value) pairs of the given parameters :type parameters: dict[str, object] :param parameter_types: Parameter type by name. :type parameter_types: dict[str, type] :param strict_floats: If False, treat integers as floats :type strict_floats: bool """ for name, parameter_type in parameter_types.items(): if name not in parameters: raise InvalidParamsError("Parameter '{}' is missing.".format(name)) if not _is_instance(parameters[name], parameter_type, strict_floats): raise InvalidParamsError("Value '{}' for parameter '{}' is not of expected type {}." .format(parameters[name], name, parameter_type))
[docs]def check_type_declaration(parameter_names, parameter_types): """Checks that exactly the given parameter names have declared types. :param parameter_names: The names of the parameters in the method declaration :type parameter_names: list[str] :param parameter_types: Parameter type by name :type parameter_types: dict[str, type] """ if len(parameter_names) != len(parameter_types): raise Exception("Number of method parameters ({}) does not match number of " "declared types ({})" .format(len(parameter_names), len(parameter_types))) for parameter_name in parameter_names: if parameter_name not in parameter_types: raise Exception("Parameter '{}' does not have a declared type".format(parameter_name))
[docs]def check_return_type(value, expected_type, strict_floats): """Checks that the given return value has the correct type. :param value: Value returned by the method :type value: object :param expected_type: Expected return type :type expected_type: type :param strict_floats: If False, treat integers as floats :type strict_floats: bool """ if expected_type is None: if value is not None: raise InvalidReturnTypeError("Returned value is '{}' but None was expected" .format(value)) elif not _is_instance(value, expected_type, strict_floats): raise InvalidReturnTypeError("Type of return value '{}' does not match expected type {}" .format(value, expected_type))
def _is_instance(value, expected_type, strict_floats): if expected_type is float and not strict_floats: return isinstance(value, (six.integer_types, float)) if expected_type in six.integer_types: return isinstance(value, six.integer_types) return isinstance(value, expected_type)